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FORUM 1-2 MARCH 2024



Beyond Borders, Beyond Boundaries
Reimagining Healthcare through Integration, Innovation, and Global Access.

The Global Medical Forum is the place to be for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the curve in healthcare.








B2B Meeting

The Gateway to World-Class Healthcare

Global Medical Forum is a bridge: Connecting healthcare providers and health tourists from around the world. Witness a vibrant showcase of the latest advancements and proven treatments from leading healthcare organizations.
Global Medical Forum is a tapestry: Woven from diverse specialties such as hair transplantation, dental care, and aesthetic surgery. Explore their innovations and embark on your personalized path to well-being.

Global Medical Forum is a dialogue: Fostering face-to-face interactions with experienced and skilled healthcare professionals. Engage in personalized consultations, address your concerns, and gain valuable insights into your individual health journey.

Global Medical Forum is a catalyst: Sparking B2B connections and industry-shaping conferences. Network with fellow professionals, forge strategic partnerships, and contribute to the future of healthcare, ensuring accessible and exceptional care for all.

Beyond the borders, beyond expectations, Global Medical Forum invites you to experience the pinnacle of healthcare.


2 Day’s | + 1.500 participants | Keynote speakers | B2B Meetings | Expert Panels l Networking| Exhibitors Zone |

Two days filled with inspiration, dedication, and enthusiasm.

Medical Travel | Medical Treatment | Health Technologies | Digital Health l Robotic Surgery | Health Policies |

What’s On


The exhibition gives attendees the chance to explore the latest trends and technologies in healthcare. The exhibition features companies from around the world showcasing their new products and services. Attendees can visit the exhibition to learn about new products and services, connect with potential business partners, and stay up-to-date on industry developments.

B2B Meetings

B2B meetings are events where businesses come together to conduct business. The B2B meetings at the Global Medical Forum give attendees the chance to connect with potential partners and create new business opportunities.


A conference is an event where people come together to discuss a topic and exchange ideas. The conference at the Global Medical Forum will provide a platform for discussion of the latest trends and developments in healthcare.


Main Topics

Global Health and Global Policies

The state of global health, including the challenges of rising costs, an aging population, and the shortage of healthcare workers, and the opportunities for improving global health through initiatives such as personalized medicine, artificial intelligence, and telemedicine.

Digital Health Trends

The latest trends in digital health, such as telemedicine, which allows patients to receive care from a distance, artificial intelligence, which can be used to diagnose diseases and develop new treatments, and wearable devices, which can be used to track health data.

Medical Technologies

The latest advances in medical technologies, such as gene editing, which can be used to cure genetic diseases, regenerative medicine, which can be used to repair damaged tissue, and robotics, which can be used to perform surgery with greater precision.

The Future of Plastic Surgery

The latest trends in plastic surgery, such as minimally invasive surgery, which uses smaller incisions and is associated with a shorter recovery time, and 3D printing, which can be used to create custom implants and prosthetics.

Healthcare Globalisation

The challenges and opportunities of healthcare globalisation, such as the increasing movement of patients and healthcare professionals across borders, and the development of new global healthcare partnerships.

Modern Treatment Methods in Healthcare

The latest advances in modern treatment methods, such as robotic surgery, which can be used to perform complex procedures with greater precision, plastic surgery, which can be used to improve people's appearance and function, and eye treatments, such as cataract surgery, which can restore vision.

Attendee Profile



Healthcare Professionals


Insurance Companies 

Medical Travel Agencies

Healthcare Suppliers


Travel Agencies

Health Enthusiasts

1-2 MARCH 2024


B2B Meetings for Industry Collaboration

This event will host essential B2B meetings, a vital component of the business world. These meetings offer a unique opportunity for healthcare companies from Turkey to meet, collaborate, and forge new projects with their British counterparts. Here are the advantages these meetings will provide:

Connect with Potential Business Partners: Engage in face-to-face discussions with healthcare professionals and companies from the UK, expanding your business network.

Showcase Your Products and Services: Share your expertise in your field and gain new customers by presenting your products and services.

Discuss Collaboration and Joint Projects: Explore collaborative projects, partnership opportunities, and strategic alliances with your British colleagues.

Expand Your Market: Strengthen your position in the international market by gaining greater access to the healthcare sector in the UK.

This event promises to be an incredible platform for networking and industry collaboration. Don’t miss the opportunity to connect, share your expertise, and explore new horizons in the healthcare sector.

When & Where


Global Medical Forum is located at Lindley Hall.

Plan your journey to Lindley Hall in advance and check for any travel disruptions before you leave.


The Lindley Hall, 80 Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PB

  • Friday 1 March: 10.00 – 18.00
  • Saturday 2 March: 10.00 – 18.00

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